Getting close to the big off, so how well prepared am I?
To be honest, I don't know, but is it possible to feel well prepared for something like this?
Gear wise I'm good. I have a mixture of trusted, well used gear, with newer gizmos where what I had wasn't fit for purpose for a long trek. I'll post separately on my gear closer to the off.
Physically I'm not so happy. My intention was to start in better nick (aka lighter and fitter) than I currently am. Oh well, at least I have some good stores of energy available to burn off!
As it is I've been doing a lot of walking to get myself tramping fit - mainly day trips up Canterbury mountains; Oxford, Thomas (many times) with some longer climbs thrown in to places like Mt Peel.
Also lots of day walks of a longer duration, up to about 20km, and some hard weekend tester tramps thrown in with 25km days or hard climbing.
The thing is I haven't put it all together; multiple 20km+ days with a 30kg pack. Ideally I'd have liked to have gone out for a week somewhere, but never mind - I have done so before, just not for a few years.
I'm sure I'll be tramping fit within a week or two of starting.